Non Profit Jobs

How Much Can You Expect to Earn at a Chicago Non Profit Job?

If you want to make a good living while giving back to the community, you might consider looking for a job at a Chicago non-profit. These positions are growing rapidly, and they often come with high salaries. However, the question is: How much can you really expect to earn? Fortunately, there are many ways to find out.

Careers in non-profit organizations

Careers in nonprofit organizations often require a combination of experience and education. Leadership roles are often focused on strategic planning, high-level fundraising, partnerships, and board management. Other roles involve working one-on-one with program beneficiaries, such as a field officer or a trainer. These professionals may also be required to develop fundraising and awareness campaigns, or to work with government officials.

To pursue a career in nonprofits, you must be passionate about the work and have a commitment to changing lives. Working in this sector requires a belief that every person deserves equal rights, access to food, shelter, education, and job opportunities. If you have these beliefs, then you might consider a Masters of Public Policy in Leadership program. This degree will give you the skills necessary for leadership positions in nonprofits.

Getting an internship or volunteer work experience is also a great way to gain experience in the nonprofit sector. These roles are not always well-paid, but you can make up for a lack of experience with your hard work and passion. Nonprofit employers will often look for evidence of your passion for a particular cause, as well as any training, experience, or skills that are relevant to the position. Your resume should highlight your volunteer experience, relevant academic projects, and student activities.

You can find a variety of nonprofit positions ranging from entry-level to executive. Some positions will require you to start your own nonprofit, but most positions require corporate experience. Having good connections with people in the field is also essential.

Salary ranges

Salary ranges for non profit jobs in the Chicago area vary widely. Nonprofit Executive Directors can earn anywhere from $16,680 to $252,131. The median annual salary for a non profit executive director is $69,839, and the top 86% of non profit directors earn over $250,000 per year. Nonprofit Executive Directors earning the median annual salary of $69,839 would pay 22% in federal taxes and 4.95% in Illinois state taxes. This would translate to a take-home pay of $62,584 in 2018 – or $2,608 per paycheck.

If you’re interested in working in a nonprofit organization, it’s important to understand the ranges of compensation in different nonprofits. Many organizations publish salaries to help people decide how much they want to make. The most common salary ranges for nonprofits are based on the size and type of the nonprofit organization. Larger nonprofit organizations have more funding and therefore pay their executive directors higher salaries.

Nonprofit organizations publish compensation surveys, and the state association of nonprofits is an excellent source of compensation information. You can also access survey data from the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources. These organizations can provide you with information about compensation levels for various nonprofit jobs in the Chicago area.

Nonprofit organizations often pay their employees below market value. This means that nonprofit workers often sacrifice benefits and a good work environment in order to achieve their missions.


Nonprofit jobs are an excellent option for people looking for a rewarding career in the nonprofit sector. The city is home to some of the most prestigious colleges and universities, and jobs are available in a variety of unique neighborhoods. You can find jobs in Uptown, which boasts lively entertainment and cozy Irish pubs, as well as in the suburbs, including the popular Lincoln Park neighborhood.

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